Andrea Rocchi




Andrea Rocchi 老师于 2004 年毕业于意大利罗马一大,获得经济学博士学位,目前为社会研究与传播学院老师。Andrea Rocchi 老师主要研究方向为创新、信息和通信系统及其在私营和公共组织及企业中的应用,担任的社会兼职包括一些意大利和欧洲研究机构咨询顾问和理事会成员(比如意大利政府劳工部、欧洲议会),多个国家项目的协调员,罗马一大 level 1 硕士项目的主要联系员。


1.  商业信息系统

2.  创新技术与可持续性

3.  消费者满意度和消费者行为


Andrea  Rocchi   Corporate  Social  Responsibility  and Environmental Management》等重要期刊发表学术论文多篇。主要学术成果如下:

1.  Vinci   G,  D’Ascenzo  F,  Esposito  A,   et  al.  Sustainability  of  technological  innovationinvestments: Photovoltaic panels case study[J]. Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol, 2019, 10: 2301-2307.

2. Rapa  M,  Ciano  S,  Rocchi  A,  et  al.  Hempseed  Oil  Quality  Parameters:  Optimization  ofSustainable Methods by Miniaturization[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(11): 3104.

3. Jirillo R, Rocchi A, Martucci O. EMAS and its local diffusion in Italy[J]. Corporate SocialResponsibility and Environmental Management, 2003, 10(1): 40-49.

4. Rocchi A. Lo sviluppo dell'imprenditoria italiana dagli anni 60 ad oggi: il caso Luxottica[J].2018.

5.  D’Ascenzo  F,  Martucci  O,  Rocchi  A.  Sustainable  Tourism:  Best  Practice  in  WaterManagement[J]. Chinese Business Review, 2020, 19(5): 157- 170.

6. Pandolfini C, Impicciatore P, Provasi D, et al. Prescrizioni off-label nei reparti di pediatriagenerale in Italia[J]. Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica, 2001, 15(1): 4- 10.

7. Rocchi A. Could We Design and Plan a Sustainable Future? A Possible Challenge[J]. DavidPublishing Company www. davidpublisher. com, 2018, 17(5): 257-262.

8. Rocchi A, D'Ascenzo F. Employment: Analysis of Problems and Consolidation of Good Practices  in  the   eu.  Italian   campus  mentis”  project   as  a   source  of  opportunities  for  younggraduates[J]. International Trends, 2016, 2(1): 122- 130.

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